Graduate Student Presentation Prize Winner – 2018

Brandi Estey-Burtt (Dalhousie University) wins the 2018 CACLALS Graduate Student Presentation Prize for her paper “Dancing across the Divide: J.M. Coetzee’s Postsecular Embodiment.”

Congratulations to Brandi Estey-Burtt, PhD candidate at Dalhousie University, for being selected by judges Drs. Diana Brydon, Henghameh Saroukhani and Terri Tomsky as the winner of the 2018 CACLALS Graduate Student Presentation Prize.

Grad Prize Panel Finalists (left to right): Brandi Estey-Burtt, Sara Rozenberg, and L. Camille van der Marel.

“This was truly a stellar panel, comprising three theoretically sophisticated, ambitious, and clearly focused papers, each of which advances the terms of engagement of the postcolonial, with its various challenging politics and with the evolving demands of the aesthetic. The judging committee spent our first half hour praising each presentation. In the end, we concluded that Brandi Estey-Burtt’s paper should win the prize this year. We commend this paper for its clarity in dealing with controversial issues in a rhetorically powerful and well-articulated argument that explained not only the texts under discussion but also why the issues the paper raises matter.

We thank all the participants for their inspiring presentations and groundbreaking scholarship. You remind us all why the postcolonial field matters. We can’t wait to see your papers published.”
(Dr. Diana Brydon)

For a description, criteria for judging, and other information about the prize, see Graduate Student Conference Presentation Prize.